March 05, 2009

Symptoms and Prevent Acne

About 80 % above of teenagers are affected by acne between the ages of 13 and 17.However some of women and men still continue to get or develop acne.

Symptoms of acne

Acne typically causes one or more of the following:

  • greasy skin (producing more body oils than average's skin.)
  • blackheads
  • whiteheads
  • red or yellow spots
  • deep inflamed lesions
  • scars
Here are some tips for prevent acne:

1.Dont squeeze your acne
Don't pick, or spueeze, or otherwise mess with your skin. Squeezing blemishes or whiteheads can lead to infection or scarring. It almost always makes the acne you have worse.

2.Take care your skin with skin care products.
Note the use can be controlled, clean grease features skin care products.

3.Always use a clean pillowcase and face towel

The most time our face contactile is pillowcase. Moreover oil or dirty towels and pillowcases can harbor bacteria and germs that can make acne worse.

So, wash or
sunning your pillowcase often and always use clean face towel, keeping bacteria away from pores to prevent their infection.

4.Don't go to bed with makeup.
It can clog your pores and lead to breackouts.

5.Pull your hair away from your forehead.
Be sure to pull your hair away from your forehead and skin when you sleep to avoid dust and oil on the hair infect acne.

Once sprayed on the skin can easily trap into the pores .Grease and dirt do not easily the face to stay away from it.

6.Try to shower as soon as possible after your workout since sweatt combined with skin oils can trap dirt and bacteria in your pores.

7.Prevention from sun
Once UV direct shine in to the epidermis,it will form of a black spots near the acne. Even after cleared of the acne will stay the same as burn spots traces. So when go out ,must remember put some rosion.

Exercising regularly can help reduce stress .And also can increases blood circulation and oxygen penetration to the skin, which may help to prevent acne.

9.Drink alot of water
Drink at least 7 glass of water a day to help "detoxify" the body from the inside out.

10.Sleep enough and release from tension preasure
Do you notic that mostly your acne pop out when your busy working and examination perior or usualy sleep in a state of tension?
Do not have to worry,the acne perior is short.To ensure that sleep enough.

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