July 05, 2009

A Little Secret Treatment From Get Cold

When we get cold from home until out side, the feeling is very incompatible to our self and other people and always "shi shi" sound. That is what exp i always meet. After that i found out some secret treatment from getting cold from news paper as bellow:

1.Our body must always keep in warm.

2.Bath with warm water

3.Drink a lot of water
to refill the drained fluid from our body ,which help to remove harmful impurities.

4.Taking vitamin C
Can shorten the period of cold and cough, sneeze ,etc.

5.Eat medicine

Also can shorten the symptom. Normally the medicine for cure cold will make you sleepy but effective. So when choosing medicine, you must notice and choose those medicine wont make you sleepy when going out. It just cost you more few $ only.

6.To gargle a glass of salt water

Can alleviate discomfort

7.Keep optimistic mood

Can stimulate the immune system's vitality.

8. Bath with warm water
Will let us feel better and clean and away from bacterial.

9.Do not Have a heavy meal
Eat less fat, meat and dairy products. Eat fresh fruit & vegetable, to alleviate the pressure of our body.

10.We must get a rest
When sick or get snivel but not to take part in party,or go out or excessive consumption physical.

11.Have more rest

To retain the physical also can avoid some compilations. Overtiring will cause our body week and easily get cold.We can slow daily activities, avoid overtiring.

12.Got for a walk or fast walk

To improve blood circulation and help improve immune system and circulation antibody

13.Do not smoke and away from those who smoke
Smoke will interference anti-infection cilia activities

April 11, 2009

Biological Clock in our body

Biological Clock
Not only human, animal and plant also have biological clock. Include when to eat, to sleep, and to wake up. Plant has a different time, different biological processes from human. Such as: get sunlight to photosynthesis, process oxygen in the morning.

Healthy living is conjugate with the ordinary of biological clock.

12:00 ~ 1:00
The moment that human has many dreams and sensitive to sound, they are easy ill wake up at this time.

1:00 ~ 2:00
Detoxification period
At the moment liver will in the detoxify process and we must in sleeping state, so that the liver can metabolism to complete the waste in our body.

3:00 ~ 4:00
Dormancy period
Critically ill patients are most vulnerable to the incidence of time, the death of sick often happen at the moment. The best is not to stay up all night over this time.

9:00 ~ 11:00
This is the time for our essence of a day because attention and memory at this time is the best, and work with learn at the period of time.

12:00 ~ 1:00
Siesta period
The best is rest and then take a break before lunch, not drinking at noon because it's easy to get drunk and damage to liver.

2:00 ~ 3:00
Ultimate period
Analysis and creativity to play an important role in the ultimate period!

4:00 ~ 5:00
Down period
Physical phase of weak consumption, it is best to add fruit to dispel from greedy to avoid hunger and voracity to cause obesity.

5:00 ~ 6:00
Relax period
At the time a slight increase of blood glucose, the most sensitive sense of smell and taste may be prepared to boost the spirit of dinner.

7:00 ~ 8:00
The best "30minutes" after a meal, go for a walk or casual shower, relax and relieve exhausted tired day.

8:00 ~ 10:00
This is the time at the peak of activity, a recommend that you make the best use of the deliberations at this time, continuing education.

11:00 ~ 12:00
Sleep period
After a busy day, relax and should be to sleep. Some of them like me feeling sleeping were wasting time, but it is necessarily to sleep. Do not let the body over-load, it sure be worth.

March 28, 2009

The Ways and Goal of the Diet

I read several book and found that ways of diet and the feedback is very effective and useful for those who want to diet.

Control Your Daily Diet Food Calorie Bellow 1k
It is the biggest influence to reach the optimal weight. Eat less the contain sugar food and oily food because it contain high calorie.
Eat more carbohydrate grist food and fruit instead of oily meat such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, maize, apple, carrot and so on. Just follow the step, you will get is loss of about 1 pound each week.

Increase water intake
At least drink 7 cups per day. But for those dieting, must drink more water about 3 quarts per day. Because drinking some water before a meal should reduce the amount of food you need. Dink separately a quart or 4 cups, 1 hour before meals. It help decreased appetite, skin less dry and better bowel function.

Eat more fruit and vegetables
Need to adjust daily meals. Include 2 fruits and 5 veggies each day. It help us have a better bowel function, digest and excretion.

Discover food allergens.
Maintain a diet diary.You can log or copy down foods eaten at each meal, then you will found out which food make you fat and elimination of symptoms caused by food allergens.

More Exercise
Jog, walk, or swim 3 time per week. Perform 30 minutes per activity. Exercise help burn your calories inside your body and make you sweat out a toxins from your body.Exercise also can increase in energy.

Get a full night's sleep.
Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night and be in bed by 10PM.Why?Answer here=) Remember, late sleep won't help diet.

Feel more relaxed
release your pressure and laugh more. You can watch some comedy movies each week or make fun with your friends to increase in smiling and more positive attitude.

The Thinking Habits of Diet

Negative Thinking to Let Go

  • I am always hungry.
  • If I allow my self to get hungry,I will eat everything in sight.
  • I'm so and t should never be hungry.
  • Food is a good substitute for love.

Positive Thinking to Embrace
  • It is nature to feel hungry.
  • I easily recognize the difference between my physical and emotional hungers.
  • I eat food only when I'm physically hungry.
  • I nurture my self with love and comfort when i am emotionally hungry.

Control your Emotional Hunger when Diet

Emotional Hunger
Emotional Hunger is happen when a person emotional like happiness, sadness, anger and continue to eat but he/she still never feel satisfied.It also includes emotional, such as boredom.
Some of people will have a emotional hunger after dieting a few week or months because they are boredom with what they eat every day.

Activities instead of Food
Prepare a list of your personal comfort activities that can begin to take the place of food, and post it the kitchen.When you are ready,begin to choose them in times of emotional stress.

Some time Encourage
your self
You can keep your commitment to yourself. What emotional hole are you trying to fill up with the chip,less sugar chocolate,ice cream,that your chose for encourage.

Eat for enough but not eat for full.
We need a food for energy and healthy body.You need to think how many calories and what
nourishment you need,but not how much you can eat.This is the best ways for set up your diet food.

Healthy thinking

Imagine a world without judgment, worry or guilt. Imagine your own mind without judgment, worry or guilt. What would you think about all the day?

Old Beliefs to Let Go
  • I need to be right
  • It is good to feel guiltily.
  • Worrying is a necessary part of life.
  • I eat a lot of bad foods.

New beliefs to Embrace
  • I accept my self without judgment.
  • I forgive myself any wrongs that have caused me hurt.
  • I release myself from worrying and the need to feel guilty.
  • I chose foods to eat that enhance my health.

March 21, 2009

Harms of less sleep

Harms of less sleep
A report have proven that sleep will strengthen the cell immune antibody, and lack of sleep will increase the rate of :

  • obesity,
  • heart disease,
  • hypertension,
  • stroke and
  • diabetes risk.

If you notice anybody that always have flu or sick, please tell them to pay more attention to their sleeping habit.

Wish everyone have a healthy life everyday. ^^

Enough Sleep can Prevent Flu

To prevent flu, you probably need a clean pillow. The researchers found that a person who have regular 8 hours sleep will not easily get flu or sick. But for the person who always have less sleep or having difficulties in sleeping are more likely to have a flu or sick.

Pittsburgh Camegie Mellon University United States recruited 153 "hero" ,around 21 ~ 55 years old, let them confrontation with the common cold virus (Rhinovirus). After they stay together into a hotel for 5 days, only 54 people (35 %~) did not flu.

A Researchers Group "Archives of Internal Medicine1"have pointed out that sleeping less than 7 hours of people compare with those who sleep 8 hours, has a 3 times as high rate of sickly.

Researcher pointed out that sleep apparently to adjust people's immune response, so that the most linked to maintenance a person's healthy and performance.

March 17, 2009

Healthy Diet

What we get the energy and nutrition from is the food every we eat.And what food we ate can effect our diet.The purpose of the first diets was to reduce the intake of sugar and the amount of artificial food additives, and increase the intake of more nutritious foods. There are few ways to start diet, for example:

  1. Breakfast cereals without added sugars replaced those with sugar
  2. Tinned fruits packed in syrup were rinsed in cold water before being served.
  3. Soft drinks were replaced with a wide variety of fruit juices,and machines dispensing soft drinks were replaced with those dispensing fruit juices
  4. Serve unsweetened ices tea.

  5. Bowls of sugar on the able were replaced with bowls of honey.

  6. Wholewheat bread replaced refined white bread.

  7. Brown rice replace white rice.

  8. As far as possible process foods were replaced with fresh produce.

  9. "Junk"snack foods(high in sugar and fat) were replaced with more nutritious equivalents.Ice creams/weeds,cakes,crisps,etc.were forbidden and were replaced with fresh fruits, vegetables, nut,wholegrain snacks etc.

March 12, 2009

Choose your Acne and pimples treamene t product.

How to choose youe own acne product?
There are more ways then one on treating acne.The effectiveness of a product basically depends on your skin type and the severity of your skin acne but not a price!
I have use a reveral acne product, mostly take from my mom =P. If you no want to go through expensive acne product, you can rely on a number of acne products out there in the market.For example Tracia teen Acne cream and several T3 ance treatment product...

Tracia teen acne cream
Suitable for oily skin user.Tracia teen Acne cream is specially formulated for teenagers to treat acne and pimples.It contain anti-bacteria agents and Tea Tree Oil to clear and smooth your skin.But if you are allergy to the peroxide, better don’t use it.
It helps to :
  • Kill the acne bacteria that cause acne and pimples
  • Absorb excess facial oil

T3 Pimples Gel +
T3 Pimples Gel(purple color box)and T3 Pimples Gel + is a bit different.T3 Pimples Gel +,which i am using when acne or pimples. It is suitable and effective for me. Just 4~5 day left using this T3,my acne will treatmented.The color of acne will become lightly and then no scar.

Oxy’s Pimple cream
But for some of them take weeks for that particular pimple to recover if they use T3 acne cream. Those of them use the Oxy's pimple cream and comment is great.The flesh tone actually covers up your pimple redness, you see is nothing!

MESO AV mask55 become my acne treatment+cosmetic?
The price still can accept for everyone.I have a little size of Meso av mask 55.When a girl's face have acne,they can not cover any cosmetic on acne face.But you can use MESO 55 be a cosmetic.The color of the product is light brown, it can cover up your pimple redness. Since you no need to worry about your face when acne on your face.

So I like this product and also is the girl lover.I use it more then half year...still haven finish,This acne treatment cream become my cosmetic and I use it when go out only.

It helps to :To clear up existing acne while preventing future breakouts, can be applied as leave on treatment cream for intense recovery therapy. Acting as an covering mask beside treating the acne problem.

This product is expensive but is said to be far better than many others on the market.It have high value because a serious acne problem also can treatment scar's skin become a smooth skin. But have a small disadvantage of it is that it does contain a small amount of Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%) which could cause a minor reaction in some people.

Herbalife acne product
This is make by nature resources.Many people i meet before have a nice skin from a scar and acne.They told me thereafter they use the herbalife product,their no ance problem anymore. Their look very young until you cant ever guess what is their real age.

Some of acne treatment product is expensive a bit,but it is worth for the value of product. For example herbalife acne treatment,and Meso AV mask55 and proactive have combine with washing facial for skin care.

March 11, 2009

How to cook a healthy instant noodles?

About Instant Noodles

The earliest production of instant noodles by china chef. He add the eggs into flour, and then roll into thin slices.cut into filaments, cook in water, and last step is immediately put the oil in fried dry-off.

The processed noodles put in the hot water will become soft.It is very convenient to eat.The emergence of instant noodles in the food industry set off a wave, adapted to the fast-placed modem life.It also save people time.

Instant noodles, as its name is indeed the same convenient, Moreover after it combine with configured spices and hot watter become moisture-smelling aroma and the taste tempting,as a essential of fast food.

A college student get a cancer because of instant noodle!!
Last time, I read a news from news paper about a over sea college student eat instant noodles everyday for the reason to save money and cause he not enough nutrition, become week and sick,and get a cancer.And then ....say bye bye to everyone.=.=

instant noodle is convenience and cheap food,but the noodles is unhealthy food also, because it...:
  • malnutrition
  • preservatives
  • deepfry cause cancer
The inappropriate method of cook noodles may also risk health.
Instant noodles is very easy to cook, put noodles into boiling water, together with monosodium glutamate, together with other materials such as eggs or vegetables.But have you ever doubted that is the correct way of cooking it?

Do you know that in order to make good look for noodles is required some form of wax coatings?A lot of people like to eat instant noodles often do not really worry too much, because it looks very normal.

However, studies have shown that at the surface of that layer of wax coating on our bodies there is the poisoning effect of very large, we should not be eating it too frequently. When we eat other a packet of instant noodles have to wait 2-3 days before the rest. Since our bodies need around three days to clear out that wax coating layer from our body, Do you know that how danger wax stored in our stomach paint ? If stored in our body system has a very long time, which will lead to cancer.

2 key points should be noted that preparation a bow of instant noodles:

1) First use warm water to wash instant noodles,whip it, poured water containing wax coating.

2) Repeat step 1 and once again stirring noodles to wash away wax coating, and then another pot of water to boil noodles.

The importance is don't eat too much instant noodles.
This is very important, when we eat the instant noodles at the time, we need to follow these key points.It is easy to cook, but if we eat too much may result in poisoning in our bodies.Because it may lead to cancer,if it is a long time stay inside in our stomach.

I hope this article will let more people know about the hidden danger of instant noodles.thus we will control be safe to eat and stay healthy.

March 07, 2009

10 Things Not To Do after a Meal




1) 吸烟


2) 饮茶
饮茶,会冲淡胃液,影响食物消化。同时,茶中的:单宁酸-能使食物中的蛋白质变成不易消化的凝固物质,给胃增加负担,并影响蛋白质的吸收。鞣酸-与食物中的铁元素结合,阻止铁在肠道的吸收;鞣酸+蛋白质=鞣酸蛋白质-使肠蠕动减慢,从而延长粪便在肠道内潴留的时间,不但 易造成便秘,而且还增加了有毒物质和致癌物质被人体吸收的可能性,所以进餐后不可立即饮茶,特别不要立即喝浓茶。


4) 吃水果

5) 到处走动
  • "饭后百步走,能活九十九"
  • 饭后不走动,会有大肚腩

6) 立即刷牙


8) 立即驾驶,工作或过度用脑。

9) 饱后卡拉OK。
吃饱后人的胃容量增大,胃壁变薄,血流量增加。这时唱歌,会使隔膜下移,腹腔压力增大,轻则引起消化不良,重则引发胃肠不适及其他病症。另外,如果吃饭时 饮酒者,随着酒精的刺激,人的喉头、声带自然充血,此时卡拉OK,会加重喉头、声带的充血和水肿,极易引起急性咽喉炎。因此,饱餐后应休息一段时间再唱 歌。

10) 立即上床。


March 06, 2009

Acne Solution

Living with acne is very troublesome,although clear the acne is a very easy thing.As long as reasonable arrangements diet and enough sleep, and note to hygiene.

But many girl was headaches with obvious acne on their face.Scare have scar on their face? What should do?
We can't eliminate ance in a haphazard way.Here have a few healthy solution for acne:

1. Pearl powder + egg
Pearl powder and egg white, both with whitening skin efficacy.Mixed together when the mask to use, not only the skin will become silky,but acne traces will eliminate.


1) get a raw egg protein and amount 10g of pearl powder mixed together.
2) In accordance with the method of cleaning mask, evenly coated in the face, avoiding the eye and lip.
3)thick coating on face, prevent it dry out and get rid of after 15~20 minutes.

Do twice a week. Cost $0.30, a bag of pearl powder $5

2)Pear powder + Low-fat yogurt.
This approach to long-term adherence, and pearl powder not to put too much, otherwise it will be easy to stuck to the pores.


1)Just use a few drops of leftover yogurt and mixed a small amount of pearl powder mix.
2)smear on the area of acne, you can directly stay over night and
clean your face by water
on the next day.

Cost: leftover yogurt $0,a bag of pearl powder $5.

3) Seaweed Mask Method
This method is super easy to use affordable, as long as the cosmetics store to buy a bag of seaweed particle mask, and water to attemper


1)a pack of seaweed mask plus 4 table spoons of warm water, or you can plus some milk. honey, aloe juice...
2)Rips into small pieces, then place them on then face. You can add-on a facial paper mask and the seaweed will not fall off.
3)Wait foe about 20~minutes, you can peel the mask off, and clean your face by water.

Cost :Seaweed Mask $15, can do 8 time.

4)Apple eliminate acne
If your skin have acne or scar of acne, then this approach could be easier. Use twice a week, better selection of fresh apple.


1)Pour boiling water onto a piece of apple, wait a few minutes until the apple softened.
2)and then take out it from water,until cool to warm and affix to area of ance and maintain for 20 minutes.
3) take down, and wash face by water.

Cost : an apple $1

5) Use a acne product.
Go to market to buy a washing face and acne treatment product to use.

6) To eat honey pollen, honey has the efficacy of detoxification.

7) Use sandalwood powder and rose water mixed and smear at the form of ance, and then wash the next morning.You will find that your acne scars to cure with this method is very effective.

8)Salt water and toothpaste.
There are two secret for those acne difficult to cure,that is salt water and toothpaste.Normal saline are well-know anti-inflammatory effect, while the toothpaste can control the adjective on our gum yet.

Smear both at around the acne over night,and the second day was much much better!!

March 05, 2009

Symptoms and Prevent Acne

About 80 % above of teenagers are affected by acne between the ages of 13 and 17.However some of women and men still continue to get or develop acne.

Symptoms of acne

Acne typically causes one or more of the following:

  • greasy skin (producing more body oils than average's skin.)
  • blackheads
  • whiteheads
  • red or yellow spots
  • deep inflamed lesions
  • scars
Here are some tips for prevent acne:

1.Dont squeeze your acne
Don't pick, or spueeze, or otherwise mess with your skin. Squeezing blemishes or whiteheads can lead to infection or scarring. It almost always makes the acne you have worse.

2.Take care your skin with skin care products.
Note the use can be controlled, clean grease features skin care products.

3.Always use a clean pillowcase and face towel

The most time our face contactile is pillowcase. Moreover oil or dirty towels and pillowcases can harbor bacteria and germs that can make acne worse.

So, wash or
sunning your pillowcase often and always use clean face towel, keeping bacteria away from pores to prevent their infection.

4.Don't go to bed with makeup.
It can clog your pores and lead to breackouts.

5.Pull your hair away from your forehead.
Be sure to pull your hair away from your forehead and skin when you sleep to avoid dust and oil on the hair infect acne.

Once sprayed on the skin can easily trap into the pores .Grease and dirt do not easily cleaned.so the face to stay away from it.

6.Try to shower as soon as possible after your workout since sweatt combined with skin oils can trap dirt and bacteria in your pores.

7.Prevention from sun
Once UV direct shine in to the epidermis,it will form of a black spots near the acne. Even after cleared of the acne will stay the same as burn spots traces. So when go out ,must remember put some rosion.

Exercising regularly can help reduce stress .And also can increases blood circulation and oxygen penetration to the skin, which may help to prevent acne.

9.Drink alot of water
Drink at least 7 glass of water a day to help "detoxify" the body from the inside out.

10.Sleep enough and release from tension preasure
Do you notic that mostly your acne pop out when your busy working and examination perior or usualy sleep in a state of tension?
Do not have to worry,the acne perior is short.To ensure that sleep enough.

March 02, 2009

What thing to do before bed?

1. Brush teeth ,wash face,wipe body

Bedtime brushing is more important than in the morning, not only to clear the mouth sediments, at the same time help to protect the teeth,and also help to fall asleep.

After watching TV, wash face, wiped body in order to protect the skin clean and make sleep comfortable, easily.

I wash at least 3 time face per day,but less brush teeth,I just gargle with water,but preffer with collutory.

2. Combing hair

An ancient medical scientists proved alot of blood vessel recycle
on head.By combing,can do a massage and stimulating effect.Use a comb comb the scalp become redness to dredge head's blood for :
  • improve memory ablilities
  • improve brain thinking
  • elimination of brain fatigue
  • promote root hair nutrition
  • reduct hair loss
  • go to one's dreams.

3.Go for a walk

If have a garden ,then u can walk around for 10~15 minutes with a dispassionate manner.It will send blood circulation to the surface of body to maintenance your skin "alive".Want fall to sleep faster,then you need to reduce the brain's activities:
  • Lie down dont read
  • dont think a deep question,
I will simply think about what I am done today before I sleep.

4.Drink a cup of milk + honey

1 hour before going to bed,drink a cup of milk plus honey.Honey will help to maintain blood sugar balance all night.Thus can avoiding early wakeup,especially for older people often sleep better.

5.Open window to ventilate

Keep the bedroom ventilate with fresh air,wind or cold weather can be open a while before going to bed,it help sleep sweety.however,dont cover the head when sleep.

My health become better and less snivel in the morning, after I open window every night before sleep.

6.Soak your feet with warm water

Foreign feet scientists known as the "second heart human body".Homeland medicine consider feet have more than 60 points have a very close relation to organs.

If have daily habit before going to bed,soak your feet with a warm water(40*C~50*C).massage arch(middle bottom of feet) to:
  • promote the blood run,
  • muscle alive,
  • retune to a bakanced state of yin and yang effect.
Last time I cold and soak my feet with warm water.then i will fell better.

@May I know what thing you need to do before bed?
Post your comments and share your answer pls^^@

Sleep in the night and morning are different?

It is different.

Sleeping is importance for our healthy.But the time to sleep is very importance too.

Sunrise working, and sunset rest."this is a long time to adapt to the environment of human results." It is call biological clock,also know as physiological clock.Sleeping in the night and morning are different in time,our health and life way.

1. Sit up and reversal sleeping at day and night would be detrimental to health.

since, adrenocorticotropic hormone and human growth hormone are excrete when sleep at night.It work when:
  • Adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion in predawn(before daylight),to redound human carbohydrate metabolism and ensure muscle development function;

  • Human growth hormone after fall asleep only have not only promote the growth and development of young people,but also can delay senescence in elderly.

2.What time is the best to sleep the day?
The best time to sleep the day are 22:00 to 6:00 (10:00pm~6:00am).

3.A good habit sleep can prevente certain disease.

Time's cyclical rhythm over time ,day, week, moonth, year is different.
For example, the body's temperature within 24 hours is not exactly the same as 4am the lowest, 6pm highest, adifference of many 1celsius. The body's normal circadian rhythm changes,often a sign of disease or danger signal.

If you sleep late, people will feel phisically tired and mentally feel uncomfortable.Conversely , a correct rhythm for certain diseases can be prevented.

I am not tall, I think it is because I always sit up and never sleep well when i am growing.
Lastly, who want have a better healthy body,growth taller,pretty and juvenscence look, the easy way is must have a good sleeping habit first and start today.
