June 19, 2010

The Difference between Nutritional Immunology Food and Madicine

Nutritional Immunology food is mainly designed for the body's immune system nutrition fast food, intended to nourish the immune system to enhance human immunity to help the body prevent and fight disease!

Nutritional Immunology food -
  1. providing the immune cell energy;
  2. regulating the immune system at its best (look for diseases, illnesses), regenerative the loss of certain features of human;
  3. without any side effects;
  4. providing the body defense function makes disease prevention in the first place.
Medicines -
  • rapid elimination of symptoms of the disease, saving lives at risk
  • replace the human body which there are down some features of the temporary relief of symptoms of discomfort or irregular cure
  • there are side effects, has been described as a silent killer
  • undermine the immune system, reduce immunity.

Health care products -
  • supplement the special needs population,
  • have some side effects,
  • can not nourish the body cells, tissues and organs,
  • there is no type of nutrients food or medicinal plants.

June 11, 2010

Our Immune System is The Best Doctor In The World

The air we breathe, the foods and drinks we consume, the things we touch or use every day are all teeming with
  • germs
  • bacteria
  • viruses
  • dust
  • parasites
  • fungi
Prevent is better then treatment. Our immune system is always at the front line to defend our body against illness and disease lies in our Immune System.

Our Immune System is made up of a very complex structure as it requires several organs working together in harmony. Some of them include the :
  • bone marrow
  • thymus
  • lymph nodes
  • spleen
  • Peyer's patches
  • appendix

We can recover from sickness because of our Immune System but not because of medicine. Medicine can quickly remove disease symptoms and alleviate our uncomfortable just for temporarily only. Nowadays, many diseases are caused by malfunctioning immune system; medicine and drugs not only cannot replace a healthy immune system, they can also cause many harmful side effects.

We know that, how many people was come down with cancer, hypertension, diabetes ...and doctor will give injection or some medicine for patients and advice them must have their healthy diet and do more exercise for the reason to increase the patient's immune system. Some of them recover from cancer just because they have a good nutritious diet and healthy life.

Hence, only a well-balanced and nutritious diet can enhance the function of the immune system to better prevent the onset of diseases. And it is on this basis that Nutritional Immunology is founded.
That is the reason our Immune System is the best doctor in the world!
